User terms | Watch Medier


To gain access to locked articles on our site, it is necessary that you identify yourself with a username and password on our sites. Login data is saved for subsequent use but can be deleted on request. All information is treated confidentially. User registration also results in newsletter signup.


By signing up for a newsletter, you accept that Watch Media sends you emails containing news stories. Newsletters may also contain marketing in the shape of banners, information about Watch Media, user surveys or other editorial related products.

You can always unsubscribe from newsletters by clicking the “Unsubscribe here” link in the newsletter footer or by logging in to My Account.

Personal access

Your login information is personal and cannot be used by anybody else than the owner. Watch Media reserves the right to block access, cancel subscriptions immediately and require compensation for loss caused by breach of the agreement.


Trial subscriptions will expire automatically after the given trial period and will not result in a paid subscription unless the customer explicitly requires this with the Watch Media sales team.

Complaints and compensation

The subscriber should contact our customer center within a reasonable timeframe after an error or omission has been identified. Lack of digital accessibility is not compensated.

Force majeure

Watch Media is not liable to the subscriber and will not compensate failed delivery of a product if the failed delivery is due to force majeure. This includes, but is not limited to, war, fire, weather conditions and natural disasters.

Limitation of liability

Watch Media is under no circumstances liable to the subscriber for loss of earnings, lost savings nor other indirect losses or consequential damages due to use of the products or lacking possibility for using the products, regardless of whether Watch Media has been informed of the possibility of such a claim. Watch Media gives no warranty regarding function or availability of digital content.

Read our subscription terms here.


All content in the delivered products under current subscription terms is copyright protected and may not be copied or distributed. Digital content is available for viewing/reading and may be printed for personal use. All other use of subscription content requires a written consent from Watch Media.


Text, graphics, images, sound and other content on this website are protected by copyright law. Watch Medier reserves all rights to the content, including the right to utilize the content for the purpose of text and data mining, cf. Section 11 b of the Copyright Act and Article 4 of the DSM Directive. The copyrighted content on [web address] is generally only made available for viewing/reading.

Private copying

You may print out individual copies for your own private use. This access only applies to individual people. A company is therefore not allowed to print articles, etc. even for copying for the company’s employees. However, companies, institutions, etc. that have entered into agreements with Copydan Tekst & Node may copy in accordance with and within the framework of these agreements. You may also make a copy in digital form if it is solely for your own personal use within your household, cf. section 12 of the Danish Copyright Act.

Copying within educational activities

All copying, analog and digital, of content on this website or parts thereof is permitted in accordance with the educational institution’s agreement with Copydan Tekst & Node. Copying that goes beyond the limitation rules in the agreement with Copydan Tekst & Node may only take place by prior agreement.

Other copying

Further use and copying requires explicit agreement with Watch Medier. If you are in doubt about what you are allowed to copy and how, please contact Watch Medier by phone +45 70 777 125 or email


You may refer to the front page of our websites with a clear indication of the source. You are also welcome to refer to an article using a deep link when you quote the article. However, we do not accept repeated and systematic use of deep links directly to underlying material on the website. Nor may you link in such a way that our website appears to be part of another website, unless you have entered into an agreement with us. Violations may result in claims for remuneration, damages and compensation. Watch Medier is not responsible for the content of websites to which Watch Medier links.

RSS feeds

RSS feeds are made available for the private use of individuals. You are welcome to include Watch Medier’s RSS feeds in your personal feed aggregator on your PC, mobile phone or similar. However, Watch Medier does not accept that RSS feeds are included in news summaries that are available to others, e.g. via the Internet, or otherwise used for commercial purposes, unless separate permission has been obtained. This applies regardless of whether the service is provided free of charge or for a fee. RSS feeds may not be used on company websites, intranets, extranets, etc.

Sharing of articles

Articles can be shared by individuals for non-commercial purposes. Sharing must be done by linking to the article, not by copying the text of the article itself. Sharing is not allowed on behalf of companies, associations or other legal entities. This means that you are welcome to share Watch Media’s articles with your contacts on social media. However, you may not create news summaries that are accessible to others, regardless of whether it is an open or closed profile.

Contact information

Watch Medier

Rådhuspladsen 37

1785 København V

Customer center, phone: +45 70 777 125
